Whiskey Dixie and the Big Wet Country!
I am long overdue for this update, but I am in the greatest show ever right now! Whiskey Dixie and the Big Wet Country is a raunchy, feminist, country western musical written by and starring Grammy-nominated Amanda Richards, and directed by Serah Pope. The reviews about this show are so good. People are getting it and I couldn’t be any happier!
Bennett Campbell Ferguson of Willamette Weekly loved us! The “play achieves something extraordinary—it becomes a worthy work of post-#MeToo theater that celebrates sexual pleasure while attacking white male privilege in potent and unexpected ways.”
William Thomas Berk had this to say “If the play is transgressive and shocking, it's only because we've made open and honest discussions about sex and anatomy -- especially the female anatomy -- taboo. And making them taboo has closed us off from each other. These are discussions that we need to have, and it's a positive trend that we're finally beginning to have them.”
Dennis Sparks…well, I like this one because he says I’m his favorite :) He also said this, “ It is curious, though, although Richards is targeting a specific audience by making it raunchy (the enthusiastic crowd proved that with their cheers and applause), underneath it all, there is a very good and human story that, even without all the blatant, sexual overtones, was quite compelling.”
Mentor, Kristina Hadad was all about it! “What a tour de force - I was riveted (and laughing) throughout. My 82 year old mom was in stitches the entire time - she remarked to me as I dropped her off "I will be laughing all night". To me - that is the BEST gift you can give an audience member. We were pulled into another space and time and it was a total escape.”
We are playing at the Imago Theatre through October 13th, 2018. You should absolutely come see what we are all about! You can get tickets at the link above and here, at Brown Paper Tickets.